Dedicated to your wellbeing

Due to ever increasing expectations, competitiveness, consumerisms, loneliness and many other factors, mental health issues have become wide spread and perhaps the most alarming concern in the present society.
A holistic approach of mental health addresses the emotional, physical, social and spiritual wellbeing of a person while designing a treatment plan. Though people nowadays are becoming more aware and insightful of various mental issues and coming forward to seek help , but mental health issues are still neglected and unattended at large.
This lead s to more complicated and complex problem s and interferes with different functions of daily life Your therapist will work according to the individual needs of each client following mainly the COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY (CBT) model.

You can read more about our services below:

Relationship issues / Interpersonal Conflicts:

Interpersonal relations are dynamic. It needs nurturance, care and often involves many complex emotions from both sides. Person with interpersonal difficulties will have difficulty in relating to or bonding with other person. They might find difficulty in particular relationship type e.g. parent child , Relation with authority figures( Parent/ Boss/ Teacher), relationship with partner etc. Relationship difficulty makes people vulnerable to many emotional and psychological challenges ( e.g. lone liness, depression, anxiety, irritation etc.)

Many forms of therapy can be helpful for this problem but Interpersonal Therapy is the most focused one, where Your therapist will help you identify and clarify your difficulties, help you understand how you c urrently communicate with people and how this can be improved, and will act as a supportive, non judgemental listener.